The amazing benefits of coriander are not just limited to flavor! This powerful herb can also help you get rid if your skin problems like acne, eczema or psoriasis by using its paste form – consisting only one teaspoon per application with honey as an ingredient) Apply this mask on the face and wash off cold water after 15 minutes; it will refreshing feel good against sensitive areas without any irritation whatsoever.
The ancient Indians have used this remedy for centuries to treat various ailments. One of them is leucorrhoea, which can be caused by an imbalance in hormones or The ancient Indians have used this remedy for centuries to treat various ailments. One of them is leucorrhoea, which can be caused by an imbalance in hormones or medications like birth control pills that interrupt your cycle (Coriander seeds help restore harmony). If you’re experiencing any type uncomfortable symptoms while on these drugs then try taking 10 gms each morning before breakfast as a homeopathic treatment – it’ll give relief most cases within 7-8 days!!
Coriander is a herb that has been used as far back at ancient times. It can be found in many cultures and religions, including Hinduism where they use it to stimulate appetite or give relief from headaches when applied topically on the forehead!
To get relief from mouth ulcers, apply paste of Coriander(Dhaniya) leaves on to the affected area for 2-3 times per day. For effective treatment against menstrual cramps one should boil few seeds in a cup water and drink this liquid as it helps with pain killing effect
Coriander(Dhaniya) is an excellent home remedy for stomach aches. It can be mixed with water and boiled to make the drink more refreshing, but some sugar may also need added depending on your preference!
Coriander leaves are full of health benefits. Not only do they help in digestion, but the spices also strengthen your stomach and remove phlegm which causes fever or giddiness when it’s too high!
To satisfy your excessive thirst, boil water and add 2 teaspoons of Coriander(Dhaniya) seeds. Cool drink will help you to feel better!
Coriander seeds have been used for centuries to treat viruses, bacteria and other infections. The most common use is in the treatment of bad breath dueODmouth infection or halitosis (stale human urine). You can also chew on these spices if you’re feeling too warm during summer season- just make sure not swallow them! They contain antiseptic properties which will help clear up your lungs quickly while cool down inflammation caused by fever.”
Considerations of use of Coriander(Dhaniya)
Coriander is a delicious and versatile herb that can be enjoyed in many dishes. However, if you overdo it with the spice then there are some drawbacks to consider like nausea or vomiting for example! In diabetic patients who consume too much corianger their blood sugar may drop resulting into hypoglycemia (low glucose level).
The best way to ensure that your spice powder is fresh and pure? Mix it in water! If there are clumps or chunks when you add the spices, they’ll float on top. This could mean something has been added wrong: maybe too much sugar for example—or worse yet salt ? You can test this by pouring some mix onto a plate; if any item sinks then chances are good those ingredients weren’t 100% natural either since most powders these days will stay afloat at room temperature (unless otherwise specified).