18 Surprising Health Benefits of Coriander
Coriander is a member of the citrus family, native to Asia and North Africa. The small edible seeds are used fresh or dried as it’s not really related in any way with other vegetables like carrots for instance! But don’t just take my word on this; here are some surprising facts about coriander which you may not know…
Coriander seeds is a commonly used herb that flavors dishes all around the world. It comes from plant called Coriandrum sativum and belongs to stevia family along with carrots, celery or parsley etc..
coriander seeds
Coriander, also known as cilantro in the United States and various other parts of the world is an annual plant that can grow up to two feet tall with small green leaves. The seed pods are called coriander seeds while its dried blades form part or all taste adding depth flavor notes depending on how much it’s used during cooking processes
Coriander is an herb that’s often used in dishes like soups, salsas and sauces. It can be found with both the leaves on it as well as seeds; using whichever one you prefer will depend entirely upon your preference for how much spice or citrus flavor they contribute respectively!
Coriandars are also popular across many cultures including Indian cuisine where they’re commonly paired up alongside cumin seeds (jeera) to create a delicious masala paste known officially by its Sanskrit name – “sey Guatemala”.
Coriander is a versatile plant with many health benefits. It can be used in both sweet and savory dishes, making it an excellent choice for cooking! Here are 8 impressive facts about this tasty herb you should know before using or eating coriander:
1) Coriandar has been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety when eaten by people who suffer from high levels stressor chemicals such as cortisol (which causes fear).2 3 4 5 6 7